Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Flashpackers Rule!

I've been telling everyone that I'm backpacking around Borneo, but you see I lack a critical backpacking accessory - a backpack. (And an STD, but as one friend pointed out, both can probably be arranged before I leave). I've got no intention really of carrying anything I don't have to - that's why rollerblades were invented. (If you thought they were for sunny St Kilda afternoons - you were wrong. That's so 90's. It was so we could rip them apart for the little wheels to go on luggage). So I've done a little more research and apparently I am in fact a "Flashpacker". Wait. I have references.

How to Travel the World (fairly broad topic I would have thought)
Sydney Morning Herald - Flashpackers do it in style!
Wikipedia - Backpacking (travel) (Wikipedia is never wrong)

So according to that first site, a flashpacker is in their late 20's to early 30's (tick), doesn't want to wear the same shirt every day (tick - I have SIX!!), doesn't want to cook pasta in the hostel every night (double tick) and carries a helluva lot of technology with them. At last count I'd packed a laptop, iPhone and camera. As a bonus, I've got a spare hard drive with me. Tick.

I still, however, do not own a backpack.

1 comment:

  1. Will drive you to the airport after roast lamb dinner and from the on it's noodles, noodles & more noodles!!!! Have a great and safe trip and we look forward to terrific descriptions of all your adventures. love Mum xxxxx
