Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Night walk in the jungle

Anna, her boyfriend Craig and I went back to the sanctuary at 6pm for a night walk. We saw 2 Orang utans in the trees just at the visitor centre, and then as dusk fell we saw flying red squirrels! (This is rainbow squirrel land. So far I have seen red, black and brown ones. I'm hoping for purple next.) The cicadas were amazing, synchronising together in the eeriest wail I've ever heard. Once night fell properly we walked along the boardwalk to find jungle critters. Our guide found a kingfisher, he was tiny and gorgeous! The kingfisher, not the guide.

We found a snake which must be there regularly, because the guides knew exactly where to go. There was all manner of critters hanging out on the rails, like spiders, cockroaches and even a hammerhead worm - it's real I googled it! Only got a video of the tail end though so not very interesting. There was a crab in one of the trees, must be confused as we're nowhere near the ocean. I guess there are crabs in the jungle! I found that my new torch is amazing, I could see right to the tops of tall trees quite clearly. (Go see Adrian at Aquability!!)
This one's for you Mum!

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